Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Random Day!

I've been keeping notes on different things that would be interesting for a blog post, but some of them don't inspire a whole thing. So here's a bunch of stuff!!

How much weight can Steve from Minecraft hold?

Here are some sweet pictures of ice that formed when the water level was higher and then remained after the water level dropped again. For more on ice, see my previous blog post here

These silly chickens thought it was nighttime during the most recent solar eclipse:


Want to see things bouncing on Jello in slow motion?

This is how a lock and key works:
The gaps only line up when all the pins are properly aligned

And finally, First World Problems :)

1 comment:

  1. That Minecraft thing is hilarious. But the real question is...how the HECK does he punch and BREAK a solid oak trunk in like five strikes of his bare hand!?! Then there is the question, how does the tree stay up????
