Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Eclipse (not the mints...there's a lot of space-related candy huh?)

Did y'all (I'm from Texas) see the lunar eclipse last night?

It turns red because the only light that reaches it in the shadow has already been through Earth's atmosphere
If you missed it, a few more times this year (agenda of eclipses is at the bottom of that link) the moon will be in the shadow of the Earth. Over the next year and a half, the moon's orbit keeps it close to the Earth's shadow, so there will be many lunar eclipses viewable from the United States. Check out this great and short NASA video about Lunar Eclipses:

Seems like it would happen more, but space is very big.

More excitingly though, a solar eclipse will be happening in Portland on August 21st, 2017. A solar eclipse is when the moon is blocking the sun, so it happens during the daytime, and the moon is so much smaller that only a very narrow range of places gets to see a full solar eclipse:

The narrow black line is all the people in the world who will view a total solar eclipse this time, but everyone in red will see something
Check out the animation tab of this picture here, it shows how the moon's shadow will move over the earth during daytime for this solar eclipse in 2017.

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