Friday, May 9, 2014

Friday Randomness! (the future)

As I do every Friday, here's a number of articles to get you through the weekend:

I've got a lot of future technologies for you today!

We talked about fusion before, but now a company has promised to be on the market by 2022 - hopefully they do!

Do you want to be an astronaut? breaks down the possibilities

There's also a very interesting article on a satellite that is attempting to rendezvous with an asteroid. They're paths for the coming years will look something like this:

NASA also wants to try to build a small greenhouse on Mars, to see if Earth plants can grow there - in a contained environment of course, because Mars does not have enough atmosphere. We have to be careful though - microbes from Earth could actually colonize the red planet. Scientists are trying to clean rovers before they go.

And finally, off-topic but awesome, here's a video of ants being TOTALLY FREAKING COOL:

Ants really are amazing, even if they freak you out :)

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