Thursday, April 16, 2015

Whales and Water!

Sorry for the missed days - life gets busy sometimes! I'm happy to be back though and reporting on a few awesome things going on in the science world:

Check out this very rare footage that happened live on camera (you can check out the Nautilus submarine life stream here):

 The guy who said 'humpback' was wrong. And here's another cute video from them!

Sperm whales spend most of their time extremely deep, so seeing one is very rare! They're the only known predators of giant squid - in fact, the only evidence of giant squid for a long time was inside the bellies of sperm whales. Here's basically the only footage we have with a live giant squid.

If that's not exciting enough for you, we found evidence of water on Mars! Now, that doesn't mean that we found water itself - but scientists with the Curiosity rover are pretty sure there's still some liquid water underground on Mars, which would be absolutely crucial to the possibility of life on that planet AND very helpful if we ever make an expedition there. AMAZING!

1 comment:

  1. Water on Mars? That's so cool! Now we just need to find out how to create a artificial atmosphere...

    The Nautilus crew are answering questions! I asked a few, it takes like 3 minutes to get an answer.
