Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Environmental Concerns

You're probably sick of this refrain: that we are polluting the planet with our unsustainable energy use and plastics that will never biodegrade. But there is hope, I promise! We have to keep pushing, insisting that there's a problem so that the "higher-ups" will actually do something about it, but people are also working on it.

This company wants to pave all of our roads with solar panels - and they claim that they could power the entire country, including charging electric cars on the roads themselves through the process of induction.

Induction is when you charge something just by being close to it - it's possible already with those cool cell phone charging pads. Basically, any time you have a magnetic field and you move a wire through it, the magnetism moves the electrons and produces a current through the wire. Then you can use that wire to charge a battery:

Awkwardly, you have to read the steps in counter-clockwise order

Germany is already on a roll with energy-saving technology that is sustainable - last Sunday, 74% of their power was coming from renewable resources. Now, why would it only be for a day? Because wind, water, and solar power are inconsistent - and currently, almost all power is used as soon as it's produced, not stored for later.

Now what about the plastic? If only it was biodegradable, or even edible - yes, that's a link for a reason: edible water bottles exist. Make one yourself by following this video:


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