Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Side Unit on Force of Gravity and Coulomb's Law

Welcome to your side hustle project in the Engineering a Shoe unit. The formative quizzes in this unit are intended to guide your understanding of the material, not test your existing fact, we're going to START this unit with a GoFormative quiz. Please follow each link below and complete the steps in the assignment, then check in with your teacher to receive the final test for this unit.

Start here - then watch this video and click on "Try this assessment" at the end to take the quick quiz. If you miss questions there, review the links embedded in the quiz for more information.

Now I want you to complete this 2nd Formative Assessment and then this quick Self Assessment, which I want you to answer honestly! If these two assessments don't go so well, these links take you to reviews of those concepts: Newton's Law of Gravitation (Exploration Phet) and Coulomb's Law.

Once you've completed all the links in this post, you'll be ready to either take the summative test or complete the Summative Work Sample Project, which would replace that test grade. Thank you for participating in this online side project!

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Final Review Video!

Here is the playlist of the final review video on YouTube, make sure you do the problems FIRST and then watch the video!

Study study y'all...

-Mr. Barrentine

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Wave Test Review Video

After many technical delays, here are your 2 review videos! These look a little different, I recorded my screen answering them instead of a physical piece of paper - hope you like it

Thursday, June 2, 2016

4th/8th Period Test Delayed

I'm very sorry to delay the test for 4th and 8th period, but I have had severe (and infuriating) technical issues with the review video. I don't think it would be fair to ask you to take the test without access to the video, so I'm forced to postpone it to next Tuesday.

This will NOT affect 3rd and 7th periods! You will still test on Monday. Sorry about that!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Patterns in Waves sub day

Here are some videos to watch, after they've worked on the Patterns Page for 30 minutes (they should have it, extra copies on desk):

Echolocation and parts of the wave:

Echolocation and Doppler Effect

Boy who can Echolocate

Then they can complete the echolocation part of the page

Then the Ultrasound video here and they can work on the ultrasound
Ultrasound Video

Friday, April 29, 2016

Wave Sub Day

Here's a Google Doc template for the day (You'll need to click File -> Make a Copy to get it in your own drive)

Complete numbers 1 and 2 on your sub day work sheet (it will be turned in at the end of the period!)


4. Get the iPads and look up those definitions - remember it's OK if you don't understand them fully, this is our first look at this info. When you're finished we can watch the next video and hopefully have time for the bonus video, or even the BONUS bonus video :)

5. Elements of Physics: Waves, Sound, and Electromagnetism Video

6. Physics Girl video

7. Bonus Physics Girl Video

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Video Review for 2nd Energy Test

Here is your video breakdown of the 2nd energy test - make sure you study! There are 4 parts.

Also, check out the roller coaster assignment in the post below or at - that is due by the end of the week if you want to make up your grades from the 1st progress report!